Litografies en relleu es mostren amb una mateixa finalitat: qüestionar-se si l'art és igualitari i exercitar la praxi d'intentar fer visible el que és invisible. L'abstracció colorida de les seves litografies contrasta amb la utilització del codi Braille que s'insereix dins dels seus origamis geomètrics de gran format. Una forma de mostrar la bellesa de l'art i acostar-la a aquelles persones que no poden veure-la. Donar l'opció de conèixer el significat de les seves peces i descobrir el seu missatge ocult mitjançant l'experiència sensorial del tacte. Generar a partir d'aquí la reflexió sobre la percepció de l'art i si està pensat per a tothom. Est és l'objectiu de l'obra d'Alfons Forrellad, dialogar sobre aquesta suposada universalització de l'art i voler acostar aquest art a tots els públics
Relief details on Lithographs are shown with the same purpose: questioning whether Art is egalitarian, and exercising the praxis of trying to make visible what is invisible. The colourful abstraction of his lithographs contrasts with the use of the Braille language that is inserted into his geometric large format origami. A way to show the beauty of Art and bring it closer to those people who can not see it. Giving the option to know the meaning of their pieces and discover their hidden message through the sensory experience of touch. Generating from here the reflection about the perception of Art, and if it thought for all audiences. This is the objective of the work of Alfons Forrellad, to dialogue about this supposed globalisation of Art and
the aim to bring this Art to all audiences.
Relief details on Lithographs are shown with the same purpose: questioning whether Art is egalitarian, and exercising the praxis of trying to make visible what is invisible. The colourful abstraction of his lithographs contrasts with the use of the Braille language that is inserted into his geometric large format origami. A way to show the beauty of Art and bring it closer to those people who can not see it. Giving the option to know the meaning of their pieces and discover their hidden message through the sensory experience of touch. Generating from here the reflection about the perception of Art, and if it thought for all audiences. This is the objective of the work of Alfons Forrellad, to dialogue about this supposed globalisation of Art and
the aim to bring this Art to all audiences.